DBS Full Form: What does DBS stand for?

DBS Full Form: Let’s delve into the meaning behind the acronym “DBS” and explore its various DBS Full Form across different categories. Understanding the breadth of its applications can offer valuable insights.
In our daily lives, we frequently encounter abbreviations, including “DBS,” yet often remain unaware of their full meanings. Let’s unravel the mysteries behind all the full forms of “DBS.”
“DBS” serves as an abbreviation for numerous full forms, each pertinent in its own right. Among the plethora of possibilities, several stand out for their significance:
DBS = Development Bank of Singapore
DBS = Don’t Be Shy
DBS = Database System
DBS = Database Solutions
DBS = Digital Broadcast System
DBS = Don’t Be Stupid
What is DBS? | DBS Full Form
But what exactly is DBS? When confronted with this question, it’s essential to recognize that DBS merely represents a shorthand, standing for multiple full forms, each serving specific purposes.
DBS is recognized as an acronym, embodying diverse meanings. Below, you’ll find an extensive table containing all the full forms associated with DBS. Additionally, for those conversant in Hindi, we’ve provided translations for some of the most commonly used DBS full forms.
All DBS Full Forms
DBS Acronym | DBS Full Form |
DBS | Dragon Ball Super |
DBS | Deep Brain Stimulation |
DBS | Direct Broadcast Satellite |
DBS | Disclosure and Barring Service |
DBS | Data-base System |
DBS | Death by Stereo |
DBS | Dublin Business School |
DBS | Data-Base Solutions |
DBS | Don’t Be Sad |
DBS | Doing Business Survey |
DBS | Development Bank of Singapore |
DBS | Dataset Book Keeping System |
DBS | DataBase in Sql Format |
DBS | DataBase String |
DBS | Demand Broadcast System |
DBS | Data-Base Service |
DBS | Dynamic Bass System |
DBS | Dual Bridge System |
DBS | Demand-Based Switching |
DBS | Dell Business Support |
DBS | Durham Business School |
DBS | Department of Basic Science |
DBS | Data-base Service |
DBS | Defense Business System |
DBS | Dried Blood Spot |
DBS | Danske Baptisters Spejderkorps |
DBS | Deep Blue Sea |
DBS | Division of Biological Sciences |
DBS | Dichroic Beam Splitter |
DBS | Digital Broadcast Satellite |
DBS | Dean Burgon Society |
DBS | Division of Building Safety |
DBS | Division of Blind Services |
DBS | Deutscher Bildungs-Server |
DBS | Data-Base Server |
DBS | Don’t Be Stupid |
DBS | Direct Broadcast System |
DBS | Don’t Be Silly |
DBS | Dynamic Balance System |
DBS | Direct Broadcasting by Satellite |
DBS | Digital Broadcast System |
DBS | Diffuse Brain Swelling |
DBS | Don’t Be Shy |
DBS | Detroit Blues Society |
DBS | Drive-By Shooting |
DBS | Diocesan Boys’ School |
DBS | Diminished Breath Sounds |
DBS | Distribution Business Services |
DBS | Doncaster Bloodstock Sales |
DBS | Dépôt Bennes Services |
DBS | Disciple Bible Study |
DBS | Database Specification |
DBS | Dominion Bureau of Statistics |
DBS | Demographic & Behavioral Sciences |
DBS | Duplex Bus Selector |
DBS | Destiny Bass Shufflers |
DBS | Distressed British Seaman |
DBS | Diversified Business Services |
DBS | Dealer Business System |
DBS | Dirt Bike Supply |
DBS | Denver Business Series |
DBS | Den Beste Sykkel |
DBS | Distributed Base Station |
DBS | Double Barreled Shotgun |
DBS | Dos Boot Sectors |
DBS | Drain-Back-System |
DBS | Dental Business Solutions |
DBS | Division of Biomedical Sciences |
DBS | Design-Build Selector |
DBS | Days Before Seeding |
DBS | Doppler Broadening Spectroscopy |
DBS | Distinctive Business Systems |
DBS | Direct Beam Steering |
DBS | Direct Booking Service |
DBS | Doctor of Biblical Studies |
DBS | Driven by Sound |
DBS | Digital Bible Society |
DBS | Direct Broadcast Sounder |
DBS | Design by Silverside |
DBS | Daily Balancing Service |
DBS | Dutch Broadcasting Service |
DBS | Dynamic Backbone Subnet |
DBS | Division Battle Simulation |
DBS | Dismounted Battle Space |
DBS | Disk Braking System |
DBS | Damn Bloody Stupid |
DBS | Dual-Band Stub |
DBS | Definite Bad Sign |
DBS | Dallas Business Systems |
DBS | Durban Bulk Shipping |
DBS | Dirty Book Store |
DBS | Doctor of Buddhist Studies |
DBS | Deterministic Balance Search |
DBS | Disk-Based Survey |
DBS | Doppler Beam Sampling |
DBS | Distributed Briefing System |
DBS | Distracted by Shadows |
DBS | Digital Box Shop |
DBS | Doppler Beam Sharpener |
DBS | Dritt Bak Setet |
DBS | Death by Sheep |
DBS Full Form in Hindi
दोस्तों, आप सभी कैसे हैं? मैं आशा करता हूँ कि आप सभी ठीक हैं। आज हम इस पोस्ट में DBS के पूरे रूप के बारे में बात करेंगे और दोस्तों, चलिए अब हम जानते हैं कि DBS Full Form in Hindi क्या है।
पहले से पहले हम आपको यह बताना चाहेंगे कि सभी छोटे रूप के हिंदी में पूरे नहीं होते, लेकिन उनका अंग्रेजी अर्थ होता है। और दोस्तों, यहां पर DBS के कई सारे पूरे रूप होते हैं, इसलिए हम सिर्फ उनमें से तीन उनमें बताएंगे जो बहुत अधिक उपयोग किए जाते हैं। तो चलिए देर न करते हुए शुरू करते हैं।
दोस्तों, नीचे हम तीन ऐसे पूरे रूप बताएंगे जो कि DBS के लिए बहुत अधिक उपयोग किया जाता है, और उसके बाद हम आपको इनके अर्थ भी बताएंगे।
- Development Bank of Singapore | डेवलपमेंट बैंक ऑफ सिंगापुर
- Don’t Be Shy | डोन्ट बी शाय
- Database System | डेटाबेस सिस्टम
- Database Solution | डेटाबेस समाधान
- Digital Broadcast System | डिजिटल ब्रॉडकास्ट सिस्टम
- Don’t Be Stupid | डोन्ट बी स्टूपिड
In Conclusion | DBS Full Form
To recap DBS Full Form, some of the most prevalent full forms of DBS include “Development Bank of Singapore,” “Don’t Be Shy,” and “Database System.” However, it’s crucial to acknowledge that DBS encompasses a multitude of other meanings, as delineated in the aforementioned table.
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