www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial

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www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial

www.rajkotupdates.news : drinking lemon is as beneficial

What are the benefits of drinking lemon water?

According to www.Rajkotupdates.news : Drinking lemon water with lemon juice added is just as beneficial for health as eating it, providing purifying, energizing and relaxing properties all in one go.

Water and lemon juice both offer many nutritional benefits when taken on their own, but when combined, do they become even healthier? Unfortunately not!

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Rajkotupdates.news : Drinking lemon water can be just as beneficial to health as eating it; in fact, drinking extra Vitamin C might even be necessary!

Lemon juice is rich in vitamin C, an essential nutrient. We know from history that an inadequate supply of vitamin C can result in scurvy; historically this illness was typically experienced by mariners on long journeys without access to fresh produce and fruits.

Recent surveys in Australia have reported low levels of vitamin C among hospitalised and surgically referred patients. While this may reflect vitamin C consumption levels across the community, factors relating to their poor health could have had an influence on this group’s vitamin C consumption levels.

If you are deficient in vitamin C, drinking lemon water could help. At 30-40 degrees Celsius, vitamin C begins to degrade, which might have some impact on its levels in warm lemon water; but nothing to be concerned about here.

Lemon Water offers additional advantages.

Lemon juice could offer additional health benefits, although research results so far are inconclusive.

People with high blood lipid (cholesterol) levels who drank lemon juice for eight weeks saw no changes in their blood pressure, weight, or lipid levels according to one research paper.

Studies conducted elsewhere showed that drinking 125mL lemon juice with bread caused a small decrease in blood glucose levels when compared with drinking tea or water with it, as did minor research involving mixing 30g lemon juice with water before eating rice.

Researchers believe the acidity of lemon juice inhibits salivary amylase, an enzyme responsible for breaking down starch in your mouth and moving through to your stomach and then into blood, slowing its breakdown to glucose. They speculate this may result in decreased blood sugar increases among patients with diabetes although no clinical trials have yet been performed to verify it.

Rajkotupdates.news : Drinking lemon can be equally as beneficial to eating it – does it detoxify our bodies?

Your body has the natural capacity to detox on its own without needing extra help from lemon water. Toxins and extra nutrients are broken down by your liver before being flushed out via kidneys into urine for elimination from your system.

There is no scientific proof that vitamin C helps with detoxification, so any claims that lemon water detoxifies you are false. If detoxification is truly needed, however, a liver transplant might be required instead.

Does lemon juice give you energy boosts?

Assuming that there’s no placebo effect in play here, drinking caffeine-infused drinks won’t do much good for your health; however, not ingesting enough nutrients could leave you feeling fatigued.

Lemon water can be an enjoyable way to unwind after a stressful day; some individuals prefer warm beverages while others like cold ones. The ideal temperature to consume fluids for staying hydrated is one at which your body can drink enough to stay hydrated.

Are There Any Risks? Rajkotupdates.news:

Drinking lemon water has many health benefits; some may worry that its acidity could damage tooth enamel; however, any acidic beverage, including fizzy drinks and orange juice is affected in this way.

Some dentists advise using these strategies to reduce acid erosion: * Rinsing with tap water after drinking lemon water;

Sugar-free gum may help boost saliva production post-exercise.

Avoid brushing your teeth immediately after drinking lemon water. This could damage them.

Make use of a straw when drinking or eating to avoid direct contact between teeth and liquid.

Experts claim that lemon water may irritate the bladder and prompt some people to need the bathroom more frequently at night, prompting more urgent urges to urinate than usual. As such, they recommend switching over to plain water in such situations.

One study showed no decrease in bladder irritation when patients reduced their intake of liquids such as lemon beverages.

Others claim that lemon water increases acid reflux (heartburn), yet this claim has yet to be tested.


Enjoy some lemon water if it appeals to you; but even if it doesn’t, don’t fret; other citrus fruits as well as many fruits and vegetables contain vitamin C, which you could also incorporate into meals, salads or veggies by using lemon juice or adding it as an ingredient in them.

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