Did Nehru call Indians “lazy” in his 1959 Independence Day speech?

Did Nehru call Indians "lazy" in his 1959 Independence Day speech?

Did Nehru call Indians "lazy" in his 1959 Independence Day speech?

During Monday’s Lok Sabha session, Nehru Prime Minister Narendra Modi directed strong criticism towards the Congress party, particularly focusing on what he termed as their “cancel culture.” Prime Minister Modi asserted that Jawaharlal Nehru, who served as India’s prime minister after gaining independence, was responsible for the decline in the Indian work ethic.

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In response to the president’s “Motion of Thanks” address, Prime Minister Modi claimed that Nehru, in his 1959 Red Fort speech, considered Indians lazy and less intelligent compared to people from other nations. Dismissing the chants from Congress MPs, Modi stated, “It means that Nehru ji thought that Indians were lazy and less intelligent.” He emphasized the importance of hard work for a nation’s progress and challenged the belief that Indians lacked dedication compared to Americans, Europeans, Japanese, Chinese, or Russians.

Highlighting a broader historical perspective, Prime Minister Modi revealed that even Indira Gandhi, in 1974, criticized what she perceived as a “defeatist attitude” and complacency among the Indian populace. Gandhi warned against surrendering in the face of challenges and urged the nation not to give up during difficult times.

Modi underscored the contrast between the Congress leadership and their lack of trust in the potential of the Indian people, as opposed to his government’s perspective. He referenced Nehru’s 1959 Independence Day speech, wherein Nehru stated, “Indians generally do not have the habit of working very hard, we do not work as much as the people of Europe, Japan, China, Russia, or America.” Modi used this remark to argue that Nehru believed Indians were less intelligent and driven than their global counterparts.

In support of his stance, Prime Minister Modi cited Indira Gandhi’s 1974 speech, where she criticized the prevalent defeatism and complacency in India. Modi suggested that, given the current state of the Congress party, Indira’s concerns were accurate, even if his opinions on the Indian people might differ.

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