How To Always Be Safe In Traffic As A Pedestrian

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How To Always Be Safe In Traffic As A Pedestrian

How To Always Be Safe In Traffic As A Pedestrian

As a pedestrian, it is important to stay safe in traffic for many reasons. First, pedestrians are much more vulnerable than motorists when it comes to being injured in an accident. Similarly, pedestrians who are hit by a vehicle often suffer serious injuries or even death. And finally, pedestrian accidents can cause traffic delays and congestion. As a pedestrian, there are several things you can do to always be safe in traffic. Let’s get straight into it!

Be Visible

Make sure you are wearing bright, reflective clothing so that drivers can see you easily. If it’s dark or foggy, carrying a flashlight will also help you to be seen. Wearing light-colored clothing or clothing with reflective strips can also help increase your visibility. When walking at night, always walk on a well-lit path and stay away from dark, isolated areas. If you must walk in a less lit area, try to walk with someone else. Let someone know your route and expected arrival time, and carry a charged cell phone in case of an emergency. 

However, even staying visible cannot always protect you from how other vehicles on the road choose to drive. Each day, there are thousands of motorbike and car accidents across the world. This is more common in developing countries where there aren’t as strict road regulations. However, road accidents still remain a large threat to the general public in all parts of the world. If you ever find yourself in an accident as a pedestrian, the next rightful course of action is to hire a reputable personal injury lawyer. Sugar Land personal injury attorneys are experts in this field of law. Experienced attorneys will be able to fight your case to get you the rightful compensation and justice you deserve. Everyday insurance companies will try and underpay their clients – don’t let this be you. By hiring a reputable personal injury attorney, you can ensure you get your payout. 

Stay Alert

Don’t be distracted by your phone or other devices while walking near traffic. Pay attention to your surroundings and be aware of the cars around you. Other ways you can stay alert around traffic include listening to music instead of playing games on your phone, and being extra cautious when crossing the street in bad weather. 

Be Predictable

There are a few laws and signals that pedestrians should be aware of and yield to when walking in traffic. First, always yield to pedestrians who are crossing the street at a crosswalk. Second, if there is no crosswalk, yield to pedestrians who are crossing from the curb. Third, always look both ways before crossing the street. Fourth, use hand signals when turning or stopping. And lastly, use extra caution when walking near large vehicles like buses and trucks. These vehicles have blind spots where drivers cannot see pedestrians. And remember – Don’t dart out into traffic!

Watch For Turning Vehicles

Make sure you make eye contact with drivers before crossing in front of them, even if you have the right of way. Drivers can be unpredictable, so it’s important to treat every car on the road with caution even if it is your right of way.

Never Assume A Driver Sees You

Just because a driver is stopped or yields doesn’t mean they necessarily see you. Always be cautious and look both ways before crossing any street. Similarly, cars are not just the only vehicle on the roads these days. Electric scooters and bikes are becoming increasingly more popular. However, these vehicles pose a risk to the lives of the drivers and pedestrians on the street on a daily basis. Users of e-scooters for example, are not trained in how to drive them, so each day they can be involved in collisions with pedestrians or other drivers. It’s important as a pedestrian to always be cautious of these vehicles on the road and path. Especially as of this year. E-scooter drivers are meant to drive on the road, however, sometimes you may find some users of these scooters merging onto paths. Stay as vigilant as possible, all the while knowing your rights as a pedestrian. If you see anyone using an e-scooter in an unlawful and unsafe way, report it immediately. 

Stay Safe Out There!

Overall, there are many things you can do as a pedestrian to stay safe in traffic. Whether it’s wearing high-visibility clothing, following the highway code whilst remaining extremely vigilant of other vehicles, or always second guessing if a driver had actually seen you. Just make sure you’re as safe as possible. By following the tips listed in this article, you’re sure to be on to a safe future as a pedestrian on the road. Stay safe out there!

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