Sumatran Baby Elephant Dies After Trunk Snared In Poacher Trap

1 min read

Banda Aceh, Indonesia: An extinct Christian baby elephant has died after losing half of the stem in a trap of hunter, said Indonesian conservation officials.
A one-year-old calf gave up on severe infections, two days after it was discovered by villagers in Aceh Jaya and despite further efforts to save his life by amputating the rest of the injured trunk.

“We cannot save it because of the injury severe and infected,” Agus Arianto, Head of the Aceh Natural Resources Conservation Agency, said Tuesday.

“We did my best to help him.”

Rampage deforestation has reduced elephant habitat and brought them to improve conflict with humans, while their ivory is valued in the trade in illegal wildlife.

There were several incidents involving Pachyderm’s death over the past few years, including one in July when an elephant Sumatra was found to be cheated by fiercely.

The Aceh Conservation Agency estimates that only around 500 Sumatra elephants are still alive in the wild.

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