FYA Full Form: FYA, which stands for "For your attention," "Foundation for young Amusement," and "First-year Allowances," encompasses a variety...
Elara Gill
HSLC Full Form: दोस्तों, अंग्रेजी में कई ऐसे शब्द होते हैं, जिन्हें शॉर्ट फॉर्म में प्रयोग किया जाता है और...
BHC Full Form: The acronym BHC can mean several things, including "Bank Holding Company," "Behavioral Health Care," "Broken Hearts Club,"...
IGP Full Form: दोस्तों आपने IGP शब्द तो जरूर सुना होगा, क्योंकि इस शब्द का प्रयोग सबसे ज्यादा पुलिस विभाग...