George Lucas net worth

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George Lucas net worth

George Lucas net worth

Capital: € 5.8 billion
Age: 75
Born: May 14, 1944
Country of origin: United States of America
Source of wealth: Director
Last updated: 2022

Brief introduction

George Walton Lucas Jr. Is a producer of American film, director and screenwriter who is very well known for his films from The Star Wars Saga and Indiana Jones film series. Because of his commitment and work, he is considered the famous person from the film industry. He is one of the richest people in the world, according to Forbes magazine, and sells his company Lucasfilms to the Walt Disney Company in 2012 at a price of $ 4 billion. According to his own statement, Lucas wants to contribute most of the results for educational purposes.


George Lucas was born in the small town of Modesto in California. His parents Dorothy and George Lucas Senior have three other children besides George Junior. George Lucas Senior is also a stationery shop owner and expects his son George Junior to inherit and continue. Because Mrs. Dorothy is rarely at home because of her professional activities at the hospital, the care of children who are mostly located in the family’s father. This strongly emphasizes strict and conservative parenting and always tries to maintain the work ethic of children.

From an early age, George Lucas Junior enthusiastically about books such as The Treasure Island, Robinson Crusoe, The Adventures of Tom Sawyer and The Adventures of Huckleberry Finn and comics by Donald Duck and Superman and The Stories by Robin Hood. In addition to strong interest in pop culture, Lucas is also interested in a historical relevant background and also reads a lot of biography.

After moving to a remote farm house in the 1950s, Lucas attended Thomas Downey High School. There he was known as an ordinary student and began to develop great interest on motorbikes at that time. He spent hours disrupted his car in his spare time and had set the goal of starting a racing career.

After graduating from a junior college, Lucas registered at the University of Southern California Film School in Los Angeles. There he made his first contact in the film industry and published many smaller student film projects, which made him very popular among his lecturers. After graduating from the film school, Lucas was given only six months at the Warner Bros Studio by Warner Memorial Fellowship. There he met with famous director Francis Ford Coppola and close friendship that developed between the two.


Lucas was appointed as Deputy Director of the Implementing Zoetrope Studios and released his first feature film THX 1138. In the following years 1973-1974 Lucas wrote the script for the Star Wars film. The basic idea includes a classic struggle between goodness and evil transferred into a futuristic environment. He got a contract from the 20th Century Fox Film Studio which got a budget of $ 3 million. Before the idea of ​​Star Wars script, Lucas had made a script for a film called Indiana Jones. Filmikik implementation was carried out a few years later in collaboration with Steven Spielberg. Lucas was also involved in several other film production in the following years, as a producer, screenwriter or director.

Career spotlight

George Lucas’s undeniable milestone marks the first Star Wars film “Star Wars”. At the time of its release, the film is worth around $ 640 million. At that time, it was considered the most financially successful film of all time and could hold this title for six full years. Star Wars has earned $ 892 million to date. The box office results were responded by the 1999 film “Star Wars Episode 1”. It earns a total of more than 900 million US dollars worldwide.

Famous quote

“The Star Wars film is my children. I love them, I created it, I am very involved in it and I sell it to white slaves. ”
-George Lucas

“You cannot sell newspapers by saying good things about something, you can only sell newspapers by creating controversy. Critics are not creators, they are destroyers. ”
-George Lucas

Amazing facts

George Lucas never received an Oscar for his work. However, he has produced more than $ 4.4 billion in total with his Star Wars film. For Merchandising Star Wars alone, Lucas even gathered more than $ 20 billion.

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