How do Op-eds serve our world?

3 min read

If you think of writing an opinion article, you will usually resort to one of the media outlets that publish for writers or even ordinary individuals, such as newspapers, magazines, or websites such as The Doe, as they offer a space for people to express their opinions.

In a quick definition of opinion articles, they are pieces written by a person who does not work for the media organization that publishes them.

Freedom of expression, in general, is one of the basic rights that give citizens the right to publicly reveal their opinions and convictions.

The aim of granting freedom of opinion and expression is to open a broader horizon for exchanging correct opinions and discussing their details objectively. So freedom of the press, including writing Op-eds, can be considered an integral part of freedom of expression.

When a person writes an opinion piece, he presents an idea to the society. This idea may raise controversy. When people are divided, dialogue occurs. Some people support and some oppose it. As the discussion progresses and the exchange of ideas and opinions progresses, the interlocutors may get closer to each other. This is the goal that the writer may achieve. That is, the writer can help create a good atmosphere for dialogue in society on sensitive topics such as gender, politics, religion, and many others.

Thus, readers will delve into the details of these topics more and talk about them among themselves.

There is a study conducted years ago that proved that opinion articles directly affect people for a long time. People may modify or change their opinions after reading an article.

The writer must adhere to some tips to write an opinion article with a strong impact.

For example, an opinion article should not only be an analysis or evaluation of certain ideas but should be its arguments to get others to agree with them. It is also desirable for the writer to ask the questions that the reader may have in mind when reading the article, and to answer them in advance. This makes the writer seem master of his subject and will gain the respect of readers. The addition of other opinions opposing the opinion of the book will make the article more coherent and will make the readers loyal to you.

The writer should speak directly, that is, to use expressions that indicate that he is actually the author of the text, such as saying: “I believe that.”

Reducing the number of words in the text while maintaining the content and using a confident tone in writing, are all important factors for building an opinion piece and being able to positively influence the reader. It is good that the number of words in the article is not less than 700 words and not more than 800 words so that the reader does not feel bored.

The reader wants to learn something new from an article they read. The reader does not want to waste his time reading meaningless words. It is recommended that the writer conducts deep research before starting to write about any topic.

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