Niece Meaning in Hindi – Niece का हिन्दी में क्या मतलब है?

Niece Meaning in Hindi – Niece का हिन्दी में क्या मतलब है?
Niece Meaning in Hindi / Meaning of Niece in Hindi
नीस् का हिंदी में मतलब नीचे दिए अनुसार है:
- भतीजी
- भांजी
- भाई की बेटी
- बहिन की बेटी
- ननद की बेटी
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Niece Meaning in English / Niece (नीस्) का इंग्लिश में मतलब
नीस् का अंग्रेजी में मतलब नीचे दिए अनुसार है:
- Niece is the daughter of your sister or brother
- Daughter of your Sister in Law or Brother in Law
- Daughter of someone’s husband or wife’s brother or sister
Niece उच्चारण
UK: /niːs/
US: /niːs/
Examples of Niece in Sentences / Niece Meaning in Hindi शब्द के उदाहरण
- Bhanu is my niece / भानु मेरी भतीजी है.
- My sister’s daughter Rama, my niece is a very beautiful girl. / मेरी बहिन की बेटी, मेरी भांजी रमा बहुत सुन्दर लडकी है.
- It is not possible to buy them for friends or other relations such as nieces or nephews. – Times, Sunday Times (2016)
- The presents included designer clothes for his young niece and nephew. – The Sun (2009)
- His young nephew and niece are ushered up to see him. – Times, Sunday Times (2014)
- A letter written to his niece Indira on the eve of his departure from London is significant. (” लंदन से अपने प्रस्थान के मौके पर, अपनी भतीजी इन्दिरा देवी के नाम लिखा गया एक पत्र इस दृष्टि से उल्लेखनीय है।)
Antonyms of Niece / नीस् के विलोम शब्द
- Nephew / भतीजा / भांजा
What are Some related words for Niece (Niece के सम्बंधित शब्द)
- Nephew
- Son
- Daughter
- Brother
- Sister
- Brother in Law
- Sister in Law
अन्य भाषाओं में Niece Meaning in Hindi (नीस्) को क्या कहा जाता है? (How to say Niece in Different Language)
अन्य भाषाओँ में Niece का मतलब नीचे दिया गया है:
- American English: niece
- Arabic: بِنْتُ الْأَخِّ
- Finnish: sisarentytär sister’s daughter
- French: nièce
- German: Nichte
- Brazilian Portuguese: sobrinha
- Chinese: 侄女或外甥女
- Croatian: nećakinja
- Polish: siostrzenica
- European Portuguese: sobrinha
- Romanian: nepoată
- Czech: neteř
- Thai: หลานสาว
- Turkish: yeğen kız
- Ukrainian: племінниця
- Vietnamese: cháu gái
- Danish: niece
- Dutch: nichtje
- European Spanish: sobrina
- Greek: ανηψιά
- Italian: nipote
- Japanese: 姪
- Korean: 조카딸
- Norwegian: niese
- Russian: племянница
- Latin American Spanish: sobrina
- Swedish: brorsdotter/systerdotter
Niece: English to Hindi translation / Meaning of Niece in Hindi
Do you know what the meaning of Niece is in Hindi and English? Get Niece meaning in Hindi, Niece Synonyms, Antonyms, Related words to Niece and Example of Niece in sentences. Hindi meaning of Niece, Niece ka matalab hindi me,
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Niece translation and definition in Hindi language, Niece Meaning Hindi. क्या आप जानते हैं Niece का हिन्दी में क्या मतलब होता है. ज्ञानबक्सा पर हमने आपको बताया है Niece का हिन्दी मतलब, Niece के पर्यावाची शब्द, Niece के विलोम शब्द और नीस् के वाक्यों में उदाहरण. Niece का मतलब (मीनिंग) हिंदी में जाने |