In the lead-up to the grand finale of Bigg Boss 17, Munawar Faruqui found support and encouragement from former contestant Karan Kundra. Visiting the Bigg Boss house, Karan shared a heartfelt moment with Munawar, advising him to move forward in life and assuring him that there’s much more ahead despite past challenges.
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During a poignant encounter, Munawar, visibly emotional, confided in Karan about the unexpected turns in his life. Karan, offering empathetic words, acknowledged mistakes happen and urged Munawar to learn from them, emphasizing that life goes on. Addressing the controversy surrounding Munawar’s personal life, Karan defended him, suggesting that there might be underlying personal struggles affecting his relationships.
The show took a dramatic turn when Munawar’s ex-girlfriend Ayesha Khan entered as a wildcard contestant, accusing him of infidelity. This development led to significant backlash for Munawar.
Meanwhile, Pooja Bhatt made a special appearance in the Bigg Boss house to boost Mannara Chopra’s spirits. Commending Mannara for her game, Pooja praised her graceful gameplay and even symbolically crowned her, acknowledging her strength.
As the finale approaches, Karan Kundra emphasized that he hopes Munawar doesn’t let external opinions affect him negatively after leaving the Bigg Boss house. He encouraged Munawar to focus on his own journey and not be swayed by external judgments.
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The anticipated grand finale of Bigg Boss 17 is scheduled for Sunday, January 28, 2024. The live event, starting at 6 p.m., will culminate with the announcement of the season’s winner at midnight. Viewers can catch the finale on Colors TV or stream it live on the JioCinema app .