https // Login Page : NICVIEW 2 – Web Camera System

https // Login Page : NICVIEW 2 – Web Camera System
NICVIEW 2 stands out for its exceptional user-friendliness, delivering high-definition quality through web-based video for seamless real-time streaming on any online device via a readily downloadable app.
Experience the Next Best Thing To Being There
*Exclusively Available in the USA and Canada
The arrival of a newborn is a challenging journey for parents and families, particularly when the infant spends the initial critical days, weeks, or even months in the Neonatal Intensive Care Unit (NICU). NICVIEW 2 strives to transform the experience for families of NICVIEW 2 patients, offering a sense of partnership in their child’s care from the outset through a continuous video feed of their hospitalized infant.
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Facilitating Active Support for Mother-Baby Bonding
On-demand video streaming plays a crucial role in alleviating the distress and anxiety often experienced by mothers separated from their newborns. The visual connection fosters the mother-baby bonding process and has the potential to aid in milk flow during breast milk expression when mother and baby are apart. Families can observe and understand their newborn’s routines in the NICU, contributing to a smoother transition when bringing the child home.
Prioritizing Privacy
NICVIEW 2 maintains its exceptional user-friendliness, providing HD quality through web-based video for real-time streaming on any online device via a standard downloadable app. Privacy is of utmost importance. Password-protected access ensures that parents have exclusive viewing rights to their own child. With end-to-end encryption and SSL authentication, parents can enjoy the same level of privacy as they would in their own homes.
Fostering Trust in the NICU
With its compact and clean design, NICVIEW 2 can be easily turned on/off and repositioned at the discretion of NICU staff, ensuring that they remain in control of the care process at all times. This capability allows parents to witness their newborns receiving optimal care, fostering trust and confidence in the NICU staff.
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24/7 Video streaming |
User friendly |
Full NICU control |
Bank-level security |
Future-proof |
Portal Active Directory IntegrationConvenient & Secure |