The Daily Workout for Your Face: 10 Facial Fitness Exercises for Ageless Skin Maintaining a healthy and youthful-looking complexion goes beyond skincare products. Just as you exercise your body, your face also benefits from a workout routine. Here are ten facial fitness exercises to help achieve ageless skin:The forehead smoother: Place your palms on your forehead and gently push the skin upwards, while resisting the movement with your muscles.

Cheek plumper: Inflate your cheeks with air and hold for a few seconds. Repeat several times to tone your cheek muscles.Jawline sculptor: Clench your jaw and move it from side to side, feeling the tension in your jawline.Eye firmer: Place your index fingers on your temples and gently pull the skin towards your ears, while squinting your eyes.Lip enhancer: Pucker your lips and hold for a few seconds. Release and repeat to strengthen the muscles around your mouth.

Neck tightener: Tilt your head back and kiss the ceiling, holding the position for a few seconds to firm your neck muscles.Chin lifter: Stick out your lower lip as far as possible, then tilt your head back and upward, stretching the muscles in your chin and neck.Brow raiser: Place your fingers just above your eyebrows and push the skin upward, while raising your eyebrows as high as you can.Nasolabial smoother: Smile widely, then place your index fingers on the sides of your nose and push the skin upwards. Repeat several times.

Full-face rejuvenator: Make exaggerated facial expressions, such as wide smiles, raised eyebrows, and exaggerated frowns, to engage all the facial muscles.Remember to perform these exercises daily and with proper technique. Regular facial workouts can help tone your facial muscles, improve circulation, and promote a more youthful appearance. So, start incorporating these exercises into your skincare routine and unlock the secret to ageless skin

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How Do Facial Exercises Work

Facial exercise works on your facial muscles to increase their strength,” Lindh explains. “While you do them, you’re actually helping to re-contour your face in a way.” As we age, the more collagen we lose, which results in sagging, drooping, and wrinkles.1

Lindh claims that building up your face muscles will plump up spots that would normally see a reduction in collagen during aging (namely, your cheek area). is muscle,” Lindh says. “Facial muscles react the same way as your arms and legs do when you go to the gym to work out. The movement helps increase heat and microcirculation in those areas—the stronger the muscles beneath the skin, the tighter it looks on the surface.”

What Are the Benefits of Facial Exercises

Lindh says there are a number of benefits to daily facial exercise, the main one being tighter, fuller, plumper skin. “When you do facial exercises, you’re contouring your face and shaping it up,” she says. “Doing them consistently will also increase blood circulation, and therefore increase your glow.” Others claim facial exercise can release tension, reduce lines, and rejuvenate skin.

Jackson notes, though, that what facial exercises will not do is thicken the skin. “We all have muscles that contract and allow movement in one direction, along with an opposing group of muscles that allow movement in the opposite direction. Strengthening of one muscle group with repetitive exercise allows that muscle to thicken, get larger, and more defined,” she says. “However, muscles of the face (think: the forehead, around the eyes, on the neck) are generally very thin and unlikely to get appreciably larger from exercise as they are not intended to do the heavy lifting that our large muscle groups are.” She adds that there are no clinical trials that show a significant benefit of facial exercises.

Facial Exercises to Try

The exercises Lindh share below target the section of the face that is typically the first to show signs of aging: your cheekbones. Lindh says that doing these exercises will make your face feel tired at first, but that’s normal. “It’s like going to the gym—you feel a little sore, the second day, you do it again and have more muscle memory, and the third day, it feels easier,” she says. “It’ll feel like you’ve been smiling all day.”

How Long Does It Take to See Results Lindh swears that her natural, filler-free technique will plump up volume loss. She recommends doing these three exercises all in a row every day. According to Lindh, you’ll start seeing results in as little as three days, but three weeks will yield noticeable results. “I tell my model clients to do these exercises before they go on the runway,” Lindh says. “It wakes your skin up instantly!”

If you’re concerned about facial exercises causing wrinkles, Lindh argues that you aren’t holding these positions long enough to cause more wrinkles than you’d get from, say, drinking from a straw. “That’s why you need to focus on relaxing your eyes,” she says. “Relax everywhere else in your face, and just focus on the muscles on your cheeks. It might take a few days, but you’ll notice which muscle you’re supposed to be working.”

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