White Hair होने के कारण और इसे रोकने के प्राकृतिक उपाय



According to wellhealthorganic.com/know-the-causes-of-white-hair-and-easy-ways-to-prevent-it-naturally

How to Prevent White Hair Naturally

Hair that is white can be a natural part of aging however, it can be a bit unnerving when it happens too early. There are numerous reasons for hair to turn to be white, including the effects of lifestyle and genetics. There are a myriad of products on the market that claim to prevent or reverse white hair, natural remedies are an alternative that is safer and less harsh. This blog post will explore several ways in how you can fight white hair with natural ingredients that you may already are using in your home. From diet to treatments for your hair on the surface Find out how you can maintain your natural hair color for longer.

As we age, we all notice changes to our body that can be difficult to manage. One of these changes is the appearance of hair that is white. Although it’s normal to have gray hair when you get older Many people would prefer to preserve the color of their hair the longest time they are able to. Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent white hair naturally. In this post we’ll go over some efficient methods that can make your hair stay the same colour for a longer time. From diet changes to natural hair treatments we’ll go over everything that you should know to make sure your hair stays looking gorgeous.

Hairs with white hairs are a sign of the aging process. But, being diagnosed as having it in your late thirties or in the early 20s is depressing. Gray and white hairs are the result of diminishing hair pigment. Gray hair occurs when the pigment of the hair is drastically reduced. The hair turns completely white once the pigment isn’t present. The reason for this isn’t yet understood. The article below we’ve suggested a few solutions to stop the growth of gray hair. Learn more.

White hair is one of the most frequently occurring side effects of the modern day lifestyle. And when the first white hair strand appears up, you’re scared. That’s why you would look for solutions and treatments to prevent developing many grayer hairs. So let’s know how you can eliminate hair that is white.

What’s the reason for White Hair?

Hair growth occurs when the old cells are removed from the hair follicle due to the formation of cells. It happens in three phases: growth (anagen) followed by the end (catagen), and relaxation (telogen). During the time of rest when your hair reaches its end of life and then falls off, and a new strand takes its place. Hair color is a result of melanin that is created by melanocytes. In contrast to skin, the pigmentation of hair is not constant. Hair is actively pigmented during this phase called the anagen. It is less pigmented in the catagen stage and is absent in the telogen phase. As we the passage of time, the amount pigment injected into each individual strand of hair shrinks, which causes it to turn gray and eventually turn white. Learn the causes of gray hair and how to stop gray hair from occurring in the next section.

The first sign of white hair is due to the following causes:

1. Gene

“Genes are a major factor in determining at what age your hair loses pigment,” Dr. For some people, it can even be seen before 20. For others, the first forms of white appear later.

2. Insufficient melanin

In a majority of instances, the lack of melanin is the most significant reason for hair graying. Melanin production is contingent on a healthy diet as well as protein supplementation. A lack of these nutrients can cause melanin levels to fall below acceptable levels.

3. Hormones

Research suggests that an imbalance in hormones could trigger or accelerate the premature graying process of hair. If you are experiencing excessive graying of hair and you’re not sure if there is hormonal imbalance, you should consult a doctor.

4. Smoking

Research has proven that smoking cigarettes are among the most significant causes for the premature graying of hair. Reactive oxygen species from smoking harm melanocytes of hair follicles that can cause premature graying hair.

5. Vitamin and Mineral Deficiencies

Deficiencies in iron, vitamin D, folate, folate, vitamin B12 and selenium can also cause graying of hair follicles. People with premature graying of their hair are lacking in vitamins B12 and folic acid, as well as low levels of biotin.

6. Stress

Stress and emotional stress play a role here. Research has proven that stress-related oxidative load caused by mental stress can cause premature graying of hair. Stress can also cause the loss of hair prematurely.

7. Chemistry

A lot of times, the use of chemicals-based shampoos, soaps or hair dye etc. can trigger this problem directly. It can also result from certain allergic conditions.

Natural remedies to reduce white hair. Natural Remedies To Reduce White Hairgooseberry

1. Coconut oil and Amla

Amla is a great source in Vitamin C, which is an antioxidant. It also has anti-aging benefits and regenerates the pigment in your hair follicles. Coconut oil penetrates through the hair shaft and prevents protein loss. It helps improve the health of hair.


3-5 Indian gooseberries
1 Cup coconut oil


    1. To make oil, boil 3-4 gooseberries in the coconut oil.
    2. Later store this oil in a container and use around two tablespoons for each use.
    3. Massage the oil onto your scalp before applying it to your hair.
    4. Massage for 15 minutes and keep it that way until 30 mins. Alternatively, you can put the oil in overnight.
    5. Cleanse with mild, sulfate-free shampoo.

What is its frequency?

2-4 times a every week.

2. Black Tea

Black tea is full of antioxidants. These antioxidants are able to help reduce free radical damage to hair. It helps in darkening the hair’s color and also adding shine. The tea black is also known to ease stress. Stress can be a major factor in premature graying of hair.


2 tbsp of black tea
1 cup of water


    1. Boil two tablespoons of black tea in the water in a cup until the tea is cooked.
    1. Make sure to keep the mixture (water that has been boiled and black tea) off to cool.
    2. Then, you can strain the mixture and apply it on your scalp and hair.
    3. Massage your scalp for a couple of minutes, and then let it rest for an hour.
    4. Shampoo your hair using gentle shampoo that does not contain sulfate.

how often?

2-3 times a week.

3. Curry Leaves and Coconut Oil

Curry leaves help restore and maintain the natural hair’s tone and to stop premature graying of hair. Coconut oil has the ability to penetrate hair follicles and nourish the hair from the root and promote hair growth.


A few curry leaves
3 tbsp coconut oil


    1. To prepare the oil solution, boil a handful of curry leaves in 3 tablespoons of coconut oil.
    2. Save the oil in a safe place to allow it to cool.
    3. Once it cools down take the oil out and apply it to your scalp. You can then work it throughout all the hair’s length.
    4. After 15 minutes of massaging then leave the oil as that for an additional 30 minutes. Alternatively, you can keep the oil in place over night.
    5. Remove the dirt with a mild shampoo that is sulfate-free and mild.

how often?

3-4 times per week.

4. Lemon Juice and Coconut Oil

Lemon contains vitamin C, an antioxidant that neutralizes free radicals and shield hair from damage. But, there’s no scientific proof to support the claim that lemon juice can reverse greying hair. Coconut oil is a great conditioner for hair and stimulates hair growth.


2 teaspoons of juice from lemon
2 Tbsp Na


    1. Add 2 teaspoons of lemon juice to two spoons of coconut oil and heat the mixture for a few seconds, until it’s cool.
    2. Rub your head with the mixture and apply it to your hair.
    3. Leave it for about 30 minutes.
    4. Shampoo your hair using gentle shampoo that does not contain sulfate.

how often?

2 times a week.

5. Onion Juice and Olive Oil

One study suggested that onion juice can help reduce hair loss and regrowth in some people. The juice of onions also contains catalase, which helps reduce the build-up of hydrogen peroxide on your hair as well as scalp, thereby slowing the graying process and improving the health of hair. However, the one drawback of this treatment is that it can be difficult to remove the onion smell out of your hair. Olive oil is an emollient which helps to condition your hair.


1 medium-sized onion
T spoon olive oil
a cheesecloth


    1. Cut a medium-sized onion into pieces that are small and mix it with about 1 tablespoon olive oil.
    2. Using a cheesecloth, remove the juice from the pulp.
    3. Place this juice on your scalp and massage for around 10 minutes.
    4. Let the juice soak for another 30-35 minutes.
    5. Shampoo your hair using mild sulfate-free shampoo, and condition.

how often?

Two times per week.

Tips for reducing white hair

    1. Increase consumption of Vitamin B12
    2. Increase intake of Vitamin B5
    3. Maintain a healthy thyroid level.
    4. Quit smoking
    5. Load Up on Antioxidants
    6. Protect Your Hair From UV Rays

Source: wellhealthorganic.com/know-the-causes-of-white-hair-and-easy-ways-to-prevent-it-naturally/

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