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8 Reasons Why It Is Important To Always Drive Defensively

No one ever expects to get into a car accident, but the unfortunate reality is that they happen all too often. In fact, according to the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration, there are more than 6 million car accidents in the United States every year. Many of these accidents could be prevented if drivers were more cautious and drove defensively. In this blog post, we will discuss 8 reasons why it is important to always drive defensively.

Driving defensively – 8 reasons why you should do it

Many traffic participants never give a second thought to how they drive. But what if everyone would start driving defensively? The number of accidents would for sure go down significantly. And that is not the only reason why you should start driving defensively from now on. When we asked car accident lawyers in Charleston, WV about it, they said that driving defensively has many benefits. Among many of those benefits, you should be able to avoid getting into an accident, save some money, and even get to your destination faster. Furthermore, defensive driving offers you a sense of empowerment and control while you are on the road. And sometimes, that is the best feeling you can have while driving. So, what are the reasons why you should start driving defensively? Let’s take a look at eight of them:

1. Can help you avoid accidents

The most obvious reason to start driving defensively is to avoid accidents. By being more aware of your surroundings and other drivers on the road, you can help reduce the risk of getting into an accident. Inattentive driving is one of the leading causes of accidents, so it’s important to be aware of what’s going on around you at all times. By driving defensively, you can help yourself and other drivers avoid accidents on the road. In addition, by having a dash camera, you will ensure that everything that happens is documented. So be extra vigilant, especially when driving in bad weather or in unfamiliar territory. And always remember to put your safety first!

2. Defensive driving can save you money on car repairs and insurance rates

If you’re involved in an accident, the cost of repairs and insurance rates can be expensive. But if you avoid accidents by driving defensively, you won’t have to worry about these costs. In addition, many defensive driving courses offer discounts on car insurance rates. So, not only can you avoid costly repairs, but you could also save money on your insurance rates by taking a defensive driving course. Proactively taking steps to avoid accidents can help you save money in the long run.

3. You can get to your destination faster

When you drive defensively, you are more aware of your surroundings and other drivers on the road. This can help you avoid getting stuck in traffic or being involved in an accident. As a result, you may find that you get to your destination faster by driving defensively. And who doesn’t want to save time when they’re driving? Especially when it also increases safety, as well as saves you money. In addition, by leaving earlier for your destination and taking your time, you can avoid the stress of rushing and help yourself arrive safely.

4. Gives you more sense of control while you are on the road

When you are driving defensively, you are more aware of your surroundings and what other drivers are doing. This can help you feel more in control while you are on the road. And sometimes, that is the best feeling you can have while driving. So if you’re looking for a sense of empowerment and control while driving, start driving defensively. Furthermore, by being more aware of your surroundings, you can also be more alert to potential dangers on the road. It can be hard to stay calm while driving, but by being more aware of your surroundings, you can help yourself stay safe and in control.

5. Defensive driving is the law in many states

In many states, defensive driving is the law. And if you’re caught driving without completing a defensive driving course, you could face penalties such as fines or points on your license. So, it’s important to be aware of the laws in your state and make sure you complete defensive driving courses if it’s required. Not only will you be following the law, but you’ll also be improving your driving skills. And who knows, you may even find that you enjoy it!

6. It is essential for new drivers and senior citizens

Defensive driving is especially important for new drivers and senior citizens. New drivers often lack the experience and skills to deal with dangerous situations on the road. And senior citizens may not have the reflexes or vision they once had. So, it’s important for both groups of drivers to take defensive driving courses to help improve their skills. In addition, both groups of drivers can benefit from the discounts on car insurance rates that many defensive driving courses offer.

7. Keeps you safe from drunk drivers and road rage incidents

By driving defensively, you can help keep yourself safe from drunk drivers and road rage incidents. Drunk drivers are not only a danger to those on the road but to themselves as well, which only doubles the issue. And road rage is becoming an increasingly common problem. So, it’s important to be aware of these dangers and take steps to avoid them. If you see a driver who appears to be intoxicated, do not engage them. And if you find yourself in a situation where someone is exhibiting road rage, do not respond in kind. Keep yourself and others safe by remaining calm and driving defensively.

8. Defensive driving is the best way to protect yourself and others when on the road

Driving a vehicle doesn’t only put you in danger, it puts all of the participants in as well. The same goes for other drivers; while you may pay attention, no one is to say they are. So, if you decide to drive defensively, you will actively work on protecting not just yourself but also others. It is the best way to avoid accidents and ensure everyone’s safety on the road.

Defensive driving is a great way to improve your driving skills and keep yourself safe on the road. And it’s important to always drive defensively, no matter what state you’re in or how experienced you are as a driver. So, if you’re looking to improve your driving skills and keep yourself safe, take a defensive driving course today. You may even find that you enjoy it!

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