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Online Dating Dos And Don’ts That Every Guy Needs to Know

Online Dating

Online Dating

Very few people go to bars, singles clubs, and events to meet people anymore. It’s a lot more common for people to use dating sites. After all, when you use a dating site you don’t need to worry about propositioning somebody who’s not interested in a relationship and getting rejected. The reason for this is that by virtue of using dating sites in the first place, it is clear that the people that you are matching with share your desire for commitment.

However, there are some rules to online dating. Not knowing what they are can get in the way of finding the perfect match. This post will tell you all about them.

Correct Application

One of the first rules that you need to know about is that if you are looking for casual sex, then you need to use a hookup app. A hookup app is an app for hooking up with girls, just for casual sex and nothing more. If on the other hand, you want to meet someone to have a long-term relationship with, then you need to use a dating site. A lot of people confuse these two types of apps, which can lead to problems. People on hook-up sex are sometimes already in relationships and therefore don’t want commitment. People on dating sites usually don’t want casual sex. If you mix these apps up, then you could end up getting rejected or giving people false hope of a relationship, when that’s not what you want.

Being Honest

Whatever type of app you use, you always need to be as honest as possible. On dating sites, a lot of people tell lies about themselves. Telling lies about who you are, what your interests are, or what your achievements are in life can lead to you starting a relationship with somebody that’s founded on lies. When the person you are with discovers that you have lied to them, they will probably want to leave you. Be as honest as you can, without giving away too much about yourself, for reasons that will be covered next.

Partial Anonymity

Whenever you are using a dating app, you need to remain partially anonymous. You should tell people you are sharing your rough location, without pinpointing the town or area that you live in. You may also want to guard your actual name or the company that you work for. The reason that you need to remain partially anonymous is so that nobody is able to harass you or stalk you online if you choose not to pursue a relationship with them. It will also protect you against trolls.

Accurate Photograph

When using a dating site, you need to make sure that your photograph is as accurate as possible. A lot of people post misleading photographs of themselves. Posting a misleading photograph could lead to people matching with you, who then decide that they don’t want to talk to you anymore when they discover what you really look like. In order to ensure that the photographs that you post are genuine and accurate, make sure that you don’t use any filters, and that your photos contain clear shots of your face. You should try to avoid people who use filters themselves, for the same reason.

Entertaining Bio

When you are writing your page’s bio, be as entertaining as possible. Women like funny guys. A lot of men make the mistake of writing out their entire life story in their bio—this isn’t a good idea. You should keep your bio as concise and clipped as possible. If you aren’t a naturally funny or entertaining person, or if you are just nervous and have no idea what to write, then again, keep your bio short. It should just contain your age, a little bit of information about yourself, and what you are looking for in a woman.

Ghosting People

If you start talking to somebody but decide that they’re not for you midway through your conversation with them, don’t ghost them. The polite thing to do is to tell them gently that you aren’t interested in them. Ghosting people is very impolite and can hurt your match’s feelings. When you are writing a goodbye message, make sure that you don’t get too personal, because again, that could hurt their feelings. If you have been ghosted, then do not persistently message the person, just accept that they don’t want to talk to you and move on.

Dating sites can be hard to master, especially if you haven’t used them much before.  However, with this post’s guidance, you will quickly become a pro. Make sure that you are honest with people, polite, that you use the right app, and that you are funny and entertaining. If you do all of this, then online dating will be a breeze.

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