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Don’t Forget to Take These Steps When Involved in a Truck Accident

Don’t Forget to Take These Steps When Involved in a Truck Accident

Don’t Forget to Take These Steps When Involved in a Truck Accident

Truck accidents are often more dangerous than most road accidents, based solely on the size of the vehicles involved. The steps that need to be taken after such an accident occurs are similar to other steps but have some slight differences while needing to take extra precautions with potentially more severe circumstances. Here are some steps to remember when involved in a truck accident.

Call Emergency Personnel

There are several important steps that you need to take when you are involved in a truck accident, regardless of whether you were behind the wheel, or the other driver was operating the truck that struck you or that you hit. One of the first things that need to be done is that emergency crews are properly dispatched and the police or other authorities are called. Determine if you, yourself, are okay,  and once you establish this, check on the other drivers, passengers, or pedestrians involved. It is important that you call the emergency number, explaining the accident in order for them to send either an ambulance, fire truck, or other needed personnel. This is crucial to ensure that everyone is safe and as injury free as possible. In the event that someone sustains an injury, medically trained individuals will be able to assess the situation and transport hurt persons to a hospital for immediate treatment. If it is determined that everyone is safe, you can proceed to other matters of responsibility, damage assessment, insurance claims, or lawsuits. 

Police And Local Authorities

Calling an emergency number will often connect you with law enforcement and police officers, who will also be sent to the scene of the accident. These individuals are able to help assess the situation, navigate and maneuver traffic and ensure that other emergency vehicles and personnel are able to reach the accident. Additionally, police will evaluate the accident and help to take a record of the incident. This is important for many reasons and useful for those involved to be able to determine responsibility, take down statements from drivers, and witness testimony from bystanders. This is crucial as bias will be present with each driver. The information gathered is often made public and can be used to build a case by either party as evidence.

Contact A Lawyer

Many road accidents are the fault of one party. This can be for any number of reasons from distracted driving to simply individuals operating their cars and vehicles recklessly. When it comes to trucks and accidents, drivers often take risks such as cutting in front of a truck or using brakes sporadically which results in an accident, while the size of the truck makes it difficult to maneuver or brake in time. Accidents with trucks, as acknowledged by a truck accident lawyer in Alabama, are also more severe, as the weight and size of such a vehicle play a significant role in the outcome. Such incidents can lead to larger, more significant damage and collisions. These result in more complicated investigations and cases. Having a lawyer to help assist in your case building, investigation, as well as representation throughout the court proceedings is highly beneficial for individuals that are not expected to be as familiar with such legal matters. Additionally, if you find that a lawsuit may result from the accident, you want to remain quiet or silent until you speak with a lawyer to ensure you do not say anything that would incriminate you or put you as the one responsible for the accident. A lawyer is crucial in many cases and should be a key priority. 

Insurance Provider

Like many accidents, one of the important steps that need to be taken when you are involved in an accident is to reach out to your insurance provider. Trucks and accidents involving such large rigs are no different. These insurance providers can be connected with the trucking company that a driver is working for, or provide coverage directly to drivers that own their vehicles. Medical bills for injuries and hospitalization also get quite expensive and having insurance to cover such costs can literally be a lifesaver. Truck accidents often result in more significant damages, so the investigation from insurance providers will often be more detailed in order to determine the events of the accident, so be sure to work with them to the best of your ability in order to facilitate a faster process.

It is important that you remember these steps when you are in a truck accident to the best of your ability. You will be in a high-stress scenario and may forget. But doing your part to educate yourself regarding such matters might come in handy and give you some points to remember in such a predicament.

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