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How Can I Find WPS Pin for HP Printer?

HP Printer is famous for home users because you can get various functionality on your HP printer. From small pocket printers to large printing devices, HP produces all. Now the HP also offers a wireless printer where you can easily print from any device without connecting via a USB cable. The network printing feature of the HP printer allows you to take molds through the network. Connect your printer from Wi-Fi and take the printer from anywhere without complexity.

To make a connection between your printer and your router, you must activate your WPS PIN.

What is a WPS pin?

WPS means “Wi-Fi Protection Settings” which means wireless network that is secured. This pin is used to connect the HP printer to the router wirelessly for a faster and easier mold. You can use WPS for wireless networks that are secured from a password encrypted with WPA2 or WPA only.

How do I find a WPS pin on a cellphone printer?

Follow the steps given below to find the WPS PIN and connect the printer through the WPS PIN:

After completing the HP settings, you can easily install a network printer driver on your device. Open the HP printer folder and navigate to all programs. Click on printer settings & software. Select the Connect A New Printer option on your PC. Wait until you see the name of your printer on the screen. Click on your printer and tap the Connect button. If you face any mistakes when connecting your printer through the Default WPS PIN then you must ask the HP Technical Team to solve your problems.

Connecting the HP Printer using the WPS button

Press the wireless connection button on your cellphone printer

Wait until the wireless connection is created. After the connection will be created reliably then you can easily take molds from your printer.

How do I connect to Wi-Fi from the HP WPS printer?

You can follow the steps given to connect to Wi-Fi using a WPS pin:

The Wi-Fi lamp will shine once the printer is connected to the network. Wi-Fi protected settings are pin 8 digits encrypted with WPA and WPA2. Your WPS must be correct to build a connection.

After building a connection, try to print. When printing check whether your PC shows a wireless printer or not. If yes then click the printer to take the mold. Many people get connection errors after building WPS. Check your internet connection because you can get this error because of a weak internet connection. Another problem faced by many users on wireless printers is the speed. Many people report that printing takes more time. Every time you get a speed problem, you must immediately place a wireless printer near your router. Now check whether your printing speed increases or not. You can also get connection errors for your printer when you have an outdated printer driver on your device. You should always install the latest updates on your device. Open the cellphone website and download and install the latest updates on your device. After installing an update, give a print command to check whether your connection error is fixed or not. If you deal with a cellphone printer error, then you ask for help from the technical team.

Why does the HP printer show a connection error using a WPS pin?

Many HP printer users report that they face errors using HP printers on the network. When connecting the printer, check whether your router has a physical WPS pin or not. If your router does not have a physical WPS pin then you need to connect your HP printer to the network using the standard connection method. But when you have a WPS pin but still showed an error, you must check the mistake.

Start your router and printer

Often, starting the system can complete the printer connection error. Turn off your cellphone printer and disable WPS PIN. Wait for about 2 minutes and activate the WPS pin. Now turn on your cellphone printer and press the Wi-Fi button. Wi-Fi lights will start blinking and searching for networks. When a HP printer finds a network; Wi-Fi lamps will be stable. Now try to give orders for your cellphone printer.

Try deactivating VPN

VPN is a strong reason to get a cellphone printer connection error. When your printer shows an error when connecting to WPS; Check VPN on your network. Users sometimes activate VPN on their networks and the printer cannot find the network. Using VPN for network protection is good but can cause connection errors with other devices. Disable VPN on the network and then check the problem.

Run the problem solving printer

You can try to use Windows printer problem solvers to solve mistakes. If the user gets an error when connecting the HP device to the PC through the network, try running the printer problem solving. Open your device and navigate to the device and printer tab. Run the problem solving button and PC start checking the error. If the error in connecting the printer arises because of the system error, the problem solvement will fix it. After correcting mistakes; Connect the printer to the network and give print commands from your PC and check the mistakes.

Check the firewall

Along with VPN, your firewall can also get a printer to connection error. The firewall blocks all suspicious traffic into the network. But sometimes the network firewall is mistakenly taking the printer as a suspicious device and limits it to connect to the network. If you have secured your network with a firewall, turn off for a while and give a print command. When the printer is connected then take the mold. If you still get a connection error with a HP device then activate the firewall and check other solutions.

Check the router settings

Some users get a printer connection error after they change the router. Connection errors may appear when the router settings are not configured correctly. Check the IP address because sometimes the new router may have a different address. Adjust the router according to and then try to connect the printer.

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