Making Your Home Look Beautiful For The Summer Season

3 min read
Making Your Home Look Beautiful For The Summer Season

Making Your Home Look Beautiful For The Summer Season

A Home That Transitions With The Times
Some décor is more appropriate for one time of year than another, and at a basic level. Right now across the country things are getting warm, green, and gorgeous. In a month, we’re going to have blistering heat and sweat, then in three months, it’ll be time for autumn.

Do you keep your décor the same through those transitions, or switch things up? A lot of homeowners switch things up. If you’re not quite ready for summer, or you’re thinking about how best to decorate, hopefully the following tips help stimulate your imagination.

  1. Color Schemes and Internal Decor
    Summer is for bright, gaudy colors. Beach themes, seashells, sand, Hawaiian flowers, tapestries and décor that feel like something tropical; these are all appropriate in summer. The decoration of your house internally and externally ought to reflect that. Banners, flags, streamers, exotic flowers in a vase or planted where you can nurture them; all are good moves.
  2. Internal Floral Arrangements
    Speaking of flowers, inside your house, if you really want to reflect “summer”, then you’ll want flowers that communicate that message. When choosing flowers for home, the idea is a harmonious mix of floral arrangement and internal décor. You won’t want tropical Hawaiian flowers if the internal décor is purely green—well unless, of course, you like the contrast.

Mix and match varying arrangements, and do some research online to see what other people have done successfully, and which decorative ideas don’t quite work.

  1. Lighting Transition With the Sun
    This is a big one. The sun stays up longer in summer. That means the sort of lighting you have in your house should shift. Also, it’s worth noting that the sun’s path in the sky shifts during the summer months. It is ultimately in a different position in the sky. So not only is there more light in summer, but it shines in from a slightly different angle.

Decorative arrangements need light to be seen, so you want to calibrate your home’s internal décor so it matches where the sun will be in regard to light entering through external windows. Also, you may want to change the arrangement of internal lamps, maybe add some LED lights in a flashing strip outside the home, or even hang a few gas lamps.

A lot of homes have little tiki torches that burn citronella to ward off mosquitoes. This is a fine festive touch. It’s external décor, but you can just embed a few around the garden, light them, and feel like you’re on Maui in July at night. They can be left through the year, too.

Decorative Prep For the Warm Months
Lighting both internally and externally, floral arrangements which complement décor, and color scheme management represent chief things you want to think about as you prepare your home for the summer. Mix and match tactics, and play around with what you have. At the end of the day, décor is about fun as much as it is about artistic presentation; so have fun!

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