6 Easy Ways How You Gain SERP First Page Positioning

4 min read
serp ranking

Many variables come into play when trying to rank well in Google and other search engines such as Bing and Yahoo, but some aspects of on-page search engine optimization seem to make a big difference in how well your pages rank. If you want to get the best results possible, you’ll want to pay attention to the details and ensure that your pages have all of the elements they need to be successful. If you want to learn more about these factors and how they can help your website perform better online, you’ll want to read this helpful guide from our internet marketing experts!

1) Write Quality Content

Google is always trying to determine whether a site provides relevant, useful information. One way it does that is by analyzing content quality. Google’s Panda update was designed to reward sites with high-quality content and penalize those with poor content. According to Google, [High quality] doesn’t mean that pages have all of the latest design trends or even extensive keyword usage; rather, they have great, engaging content. To gain top rankings in search results and increase your search traffic, make sure you create insightful posts targeted toward users who are most likely to click on your link.

2) Use Meta Title Tags

One of Google’s most important on-page ranking factors is your meta title tag. If you can’t see it on screen, it’s a hidden HTML tag that allows you to appear in search results. It appears as text in your browser title bar and contains your page’s keyword, so it’s important to make sure it includes relevant keywords for better SEO. Google can use that information to determine how well your page matches a search query, which influences where you rank on Google’s first page of results for that term.

3) Use Internal Linking

Internal linking links to a web page from another web page on your website. Internal links are great for many reasons; they help Google know what your site is about, give people looking at your pages something interesting to click on, and increase traffic on your site. And internal links don’t necessarily need to be text, either—you can do it with images. Just make sure you’re not overdoing it. If you have too many links, you could hurt your ranking by making your site look spammy.

4) Add Google Authorship to Your Site

Having your Google+ profile connected to your website through authorship positively impacts your rank in search results. It also shows up as a rich snippet on SERPs (search engine results pages). It’s important that you link up your authorship profile with every one of your sites since it only gets indexed once you do. The more high-authority sites you link your author profile to, the higher you’ll rank for certain search terms. Make sure that each page linked is full of valuable content—not just some copy-and-paste content from another site. If done right, having authorship connected to your site will help increase traffic and improve SERP rankings over time. Some also consider On-page SEO Services for favorable results.

5) Add Featured Images To Each Post

One of the first things your Google bot scans in a search engine result is an image. So, you need to put featured images on all your posts. And it’s pretty easy to do: Choose a corresponding image or logo for each post and add it to your HTML code. We know many bloggers are going for hundreds of keywords in their articles, but their efforts are being lost in translation because they don’t feature an image with every post. After adding the main image to each post, you should also consider changing your page title and description on WordPress (the underlying code that feeds directly into Google) so that they directly reflect what shows up within each post.

6) Have A Great RSS Feed For Subscribers

Do you have an RSS feed for your site? RSS feeds are search engines’ favorite ways to find fresh, new content. Not only does an RSS feed help your search engine rankings, but it also helps drive traffic to your site, with people clicking through from search results. A good way to create a better RSS feed is to pick up on recurring terms or subjects mentioned in several of your posts and use those as keywords for your new post. That way, you can regularly drive more relevant traffic back to your site. If you don’t have an RSS feed on your website, take five minutes right now and add one! It could go a long way toward boosting your business’s visibility online.


As seen in these examples, if you write with your audience in mind and create content around a valuable topic, you can easily create content that engages and is linked to others. It will also be optimized for your keywords, giving you more visibility when someone searches for that keyword—the result: is more clicks and higher rankings on search engines. So put yourself in your readers’ shoes, consider their needs (and wants), and then write! Remember: Write for humans first, search engines second!

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