Things to Know about the Excel test
No doubt that technology advancement has grown quite a lot. It is also true if you are looking for the candidates who can be good in his skills and well aware about the use of latest technology, then it can be not only be money-saving but also a time-saving platform. Talking about the technology, computer plays an important role. With so many in built tools and software that has come up the load of paperwork has reduced drastically. It is also quite good to know that such type of test has been helping the clients get a good record of their organisation as and when required.
Understanding the excel part:
Talking about the records and documentation, excel plays an important role in it. Whether it is the formulae, a data entry or some kind of important details to be documents, you can do it all in Excel. But to operate it is not so easy. Since, there are maple of topics and wide range of formulas, it can be quite challenging for you to understand which option to choose. And for this, you need an expert that has been working on excel. Understand that with every upgradation in excel, there comes a new feature and it is expected that the candidate you choose must have good grasping proper to understand the new feature and start using it for the further documentation.
Hiring the right type of candidate:
Well you look around for the right candidates using the excel proficiency test, you might wonder which option to choose. At such time, you can focus on selecting the candidate with the help of guidance of subject matter expert. Before that it is important for you to first understand what exactly the Microsoft Excel is.
Know more about the Microsoft Excel:
It is a spreadsheet program which is created by Microsoft. It is used by different businesses that help in automating their regular process that includes data of an employee to be maintained, data of the finance, debut sheet and even the data analysis that needs to be maintained. There is no hard and fast rule of using such type of software. Besides, since it is used in department from sales, human resource, and data analytics and even marketing, suffice it to say that the expertise level of giving the test may equally vary.
As a hiring manger, depending upon the requirements of the job profile, you need to make the assessments of the candidate as per the excel skills. But you need to be also clear about the skills on which the valuation needs to be made and here are the quick guidelines to hire an excel expert for different job roles.
Depending on the job roles, the test that needs to be conducted:
The employer who wish to protect from hiring the working candidate must also use the assessment depending upon the skills that includes the excel proficiency test. Such test ensures that the job applicants who have the skills with regards to the job profile that you are keen to hire is only shortlisted. Excel test are available on the paid version as well as the free eversion. Depending upon your requirement of the job profile and the budget that you have for making the investment, you can do the hiring.
Choosing the efficient testing method:
Your screening option may vary from asking the candidate on whether the excel skills they have can be demonstrated or not or testing their skills by conducting a purchased test. Depending upon the results that you can you can make the review. Understanding that such type of test needs you to make certain modification but if you are planning to use it for the first time then it is important that you choose the right type of subject matter expert who can guide you with all the details in a perfect manner.
The screening questions that needs to be put:
Well, while creating the strong test, it is likely for you to wonder which could be the strong screening pattern. There are many search options that you can choose by which you may get a clear idea on the questions to be put. Furthermore, you can ask the questions on some of the topics such as Managing Page Layout, Data validation, Data Sorting, Charts & its Analysis, SUMIF/SUMIFS, Excel shortcut keys, Cell Formatting, Data Filters, COUNTIF / COUNTIFS, Pivot Tables, and Workbook to name a few. If the person whom you have shortlisted as per the skills which he has mentioned in the CV is able to answer all the questions in a better way then there is no doubt that you have a better scope for hiring the candidate.
Understanding that in today’s market where demand for such candidates has increased, the risk of wrong hiring has also increased. To make sure you don’t become the victim of such hiring, it is important to speak with the experts, get some reviews and feedback from the clients who have been using it and then go ahead and make the right type of assessment for your company. After all, your organization requires the right team and for this, it is always better that you choose the person who is quick and can come up with better initiatives. So what are you waiting for? Start with your hiring process today and grab the best deal.