US’s Religious Freedom Report “Indophobic, Hinduphobic”: Hindu Council
Washington: a Hindu body in Washington described the USCIRF report on religious freedom, a work as members of the “Hinduphobic” commission while Muslim and Christian groups praised the observations that made it, demanding that states -Unis declare India as a “country of a particular concern”.
The American Commission for International Religious Freedom or the USCIRF report has recommended that the Biden administration to designate India, China, Pakistan, Afghanistan and 11 other nations as “particularly worrying countries” in the context of religious freedom.
Recommendations are not linked to the United States government.
HinduPact, an initiative of the Hindu World Council of America, in an alleged statement that the USCIRF had been taken up by “Indophobic and Hindu members”.
The American Muslim Institution (AMI) and its associated organizations applaud the recommendation of the USCIRF, claiming that the conditions of religious freedom in India “have worsened considerably” in 2021.
The Federation of American-Indian Christian Christian Organizations and the American-Indian Muslim Council in distinct declarations would have applauded the recommendation of the USCIRF.
During a special briefing of the virtual congress, one day after the publication of the report, the USCIRF commissioner, Anurima Bhargava, had alleged that the officials of the Indian government tolerated and engaged in the religious persecution of Muslims and Christians suffering from violence from the prolific crowd.
India has rejected such allegations. High officials of the US government have told legislators that India had a dynamic civil society, an independent judicial system and a mature functional democracy, which has enough mechanisms to respond to the internal concerns of human rights.
The arrival in a statement criticized the USCIRF.
“This year’s report follows a model of reports that have appeared in previous years. Based on information accessible to the public on subjects such as the Citizenship Amendment Act (CAA) and cashmere, the USCIRF report is a Copy and a brownfield of discussion points stuck by an agglomeration of Islamist groups working with the radical justice Islamist group for all the commissioners of the USCIRF platform appears regularly, “presumed Utsav Chakrabarti, Executive Director of HinduPact.
“It is now obvious that the USCIRF has been taken up by Indophobic and Hindu members. Many of these members attended India and Hindu denigration events. Looking in certain communities,” said Ajay Shah, President of the World Hinde Council of America (VHPA).
In a press release format, Koshy George, federation of Indian-American Christian Christian organizations, recommended that the American president and administration accept the recommendations of the USCIRF and name India as a “country of a particular concern” while He could still help protect American interests in this region for the long term.
“This could also greatly contribute to helping the Union of India to remain a functional liberal democracy with respect for all religious and linguistic minorities,” he said.
Executive director of the Indian-American Muslims Council, Rasheed Ahmed, said that they were congratulating USCIRF for “refusing to transform themselves into the lobbying of Hindu nationalist groups based in the United States and clearly showing that the reality of Minorities in India is harassment and constant violence and constant violence “.
“Given the overwhelming information presented in this report, the American officials of the State Department must now act on the recommendations made by the USCIRF by officially appointing India as CPC and by imposing targeted sanctions on the Indian government for Keeping officials responsible for encouraging hatred, “said Syed Afzal Ali, president of IAMC.