‘Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles’: Netflix Release Date & First Look

First announced in July 2020, Stan Adaptation Sakai Usagi Yojimbo will come to Netflix in April 2022 specifically on April 28, 2022. We have all you need to know about the new series including many of the first display screen catches.

Run for more than 35 years, the comic Usagi Yojimo has a big inheritance. Stan Sakai, a Japanese-American cartoonist behind the cartoon. As mentioned, first announced that Netflix would release a new TV series based on his beloved cartoon in July 2020.

On the announcement, Sakai said:

“It’s nice to expand Universe Usagi by collaborating with so many talented people. I work with an extraordinary team and I hope to finally see the usagi series on the screen! I thank my extraordinary fans, friends and family for support and Their encouragement for the last 35+ years. “

First view on Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Cronicles comes on 2021:

Who is behind the Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles?
Candie and Doug Langdale served as an exhibition for this series. They are famous for their work on Netfix Maya and all three and work on DreamWorks Puss in Boots and Kung Fu Panda projects: Legend of Ahesomeness.

The project has many production companies involved including Gaumont, black horse entertainment, atomic monsters, and 88 Indian-based images.

Is Stan Sakai engaged with the series that you might ask? Yes, what is the answer.

Back when the show was first announced, Sakai talked about his role in the production that said:

“It’s fun to work with Gaumont and Netflix. I’m involved in every step of production and enthusiastic about the direction we will do,”

What is Rabbit Samurai: The Usagi Chronicles?
This is the official synopsis provided by Gaumont Television:

“Usagi is a young rabbit who doesn’t want much from life – just to be the biggest samurai history.

When he came to the futuristic city of Neo Edo to look for his destiny, he accidentally released dozens of strange, ancient monsters known as Yokai. Now, along with his new friend Chizu, Gen and Kitsune, he must clean the mess he made.

But the situation is much stranger than they can imagine. “

Who voiced at Netflix Samurai Rabbit?
Darren Barnet voiced Usagi’s titular character and place. The Netflix fan will soon find Barnet for most of his role in the third-season Netflix that will never exist where he will play Paxton Hall-Yoshida. Barnet will also display at Netflix Blue Eye Samurai.

Shelby Rabara will voice Kitsune in the series. The actress is best known for her role in Goliath Amazon Prime where she plays Sumi Sen. He also voiced many characters throughout his career, including Universe Steven Universe.

Le Aleks will voice the role of genes in the series. The voice actor has a lot of credit for his name but it might be famous for voicing Zenitsu Agatsuma in the anime series, Demon Slayer.

Mallory Low will voice Chizu in the series and recently shown on Netflix is ​​a chair playing Lila.

First picture of Samurai Rabbit Display: The Usagi Chronicles
Without further ado, here are some other first view images in the first season of Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles came to Netflix throughout the world on April 2022:

Are you looking forward to the first season of the upcoming Samurai Rabbit: The Usagi Chronicles comes soon for Netflix? Tell us in the comments below.

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