Imran Khan batted for Afia Siddiqui in his PTI manifesto so did Pak Senate

Afia Siddiqui, called ‘Lady Al Qaeda’ among countererrorism, was arrested in 2008 and was convicted of trying to kill US military officers while in detention in Afghanistan. He was closely related to the alleged Mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed who was accused of 9/11.

The involvement of a Pakistan-from England National Malik Faisal Akram in siege in the Synagogue in the state of Texas As shows the radicalization of deep religions in Pakistan and the UK among the Muslim community. If Akram is the tip of his spearness, the Pakistani government has played a role in their own radicals towards the cause of Jihadi Pan-Islam since the day of President Zia-ul-Haq.

The siege in the Beth Israel Congregation in Colleyville was led by Akram, who demanded the liberation of Neuroscientis convicted Afia Siddiqui, allegedly bond with Al Qaeda and currently serving a 86-year sentence in Fort Worth prison after being punished in 2010 tried to kill us military officers when held in Afghanistan.

In the past, the Pakistani government has also tried to free the ‘Lady Al Qaeda’ – because he is known in a circle of counterrogrorism. A few years ago, when Barack Obama was President of the United States, Pakistani officials sent a proposal to free the woman in exchange for soldiers. Bowe Bergdahl.

In 2018, Pakistani Senate unanimously issued a resolution to take the issue of Siddiqui’s release with the US, referring to him as a “daughter of the nation”.

Imran Khan, who is now the Prime Minister of Pakistan, competed with other Islamic political parties and jihadist groups to pioneer the campaign to free Siddiqui.

Manifesto from Khan-LED Pakistan Tehreek-e-Insaaf (PTI) groups Siddiqui among Pakistanese abroad and say “their patriotic spirit” is valued by the party.

“Overseas Pakistan is one of our biggest assets, which is consistently rejected access to their citizens’ rights and on the opportunity to contribute to the Pakistani economy because of the process that is inefficient and incomplete along with infrastructure and poor quality services by the previous government. Will ensure the voting right for Pakistanes abroad, “said PTI Manifesto.

“We will provide consular and legal services for all Pakistan who are imprisoned abroad. We make the best efforts to present detainees such as Dr. Afia Siddiqui and the others return to Pakistan,” Further said.

Even the Taliban, who now ruled Afghanistan, has demonstrated their interest in the release of Siddiqui as the exchange of Warren Weinstein, an American aid worker who was kidnapped by Al Qaeda in Pakistan in 2011. Weinstein was killed in a US drone attack after being married. four years.

Siddiqui comes from a highly educated Pakistani family with strong religious beliefs. He graduated from the prestigious Massachusetts of Technology (MIT) information, and also received a doctorate in neurology from the University of Brandeis.

According to US intelligence officials, he seems to be radicalized after the 9/11 attack. He was connected to Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, the alleged mastermind of 9/11 attacks and was believed to act as an al Qaeda courier to facilitate the process of sending ammunition and weapons for planned attacks.

US officials said he disappeared in 2003 and reappeared in 2008 in Afghanistan with detailed information about the American target.

Malike Family Faisal Akram aged 44 years, the latest to demand the release of Siddiqui, owned by Jhelum Regency in Punjab and emigrated to England almost 50 years ago. Malik is a member of Tabligh Jamaat and has traveled abroad before about work related to him, according to intelligence officials. He married a Muslim woman Gujrati and had five sons and a girl.

His father is a member of the Muslim community known in London and the family has political relations through Malik Irfan, a council member is related to the Labor Party, the next official said.

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