Novak Djokovic towards Australian Open ‘with exemption authorization’

Novak Djokovic number one world said on Tuesday that he headed to Australia opened to defend his title after being given a medical exception to play.

All participants in the Australian Open, which began on January 17, need to be vaccinated against Covid-19 or have a medical exception, assessed by independent expert panels.

Serbia has repeatedly refused to confirm whether he had been inoculated, with his participation in the opening Grand Slam this year at Melbourne Park subject of intense speculation for months.

“I have spent fantastic quality time with the person I love during the break and today I go down with liberation permits. Come on 2022!” Nine Australian Open Winner said on Instagram.

The post is accompanied by a picture at the airport, looking relaxed, with his bag.

Djokovic’s confirmation that he was on his way to set a scene for the fight with the arch of Rafael Nadal, with both Gunning for the 21st Grand Slam title.

Spanish superstars already exist in Melbourne who prepared after recovering from Coronavirus.

Djokovic had previously stated his opposition to the Covid-19 vaccine and his father Srdjan said at the end of November that his son might not play in Melbourne, accused the organizer of “the desert”.

Government officials in the state of Victoria, who host Australia Open, have insisted on months that only vaccination players can play tournaments.

“They are the rules. The only medical exception – it’s not a gap for special tennis players,” said the country’s main representative James Merlino last month.

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