Covid-19: These 10 countries remain untouched. Know the reason and see list
Covid-19 has brought havoc throughout the world, especially in the United States and Europe. Many countries have been wearing a ban on a trip after the emergence of the new strain of Coronavirus, named Omicron. The World Health Organization has categorized it as a ‘variant of concern’.
It has been two years since Coronavirus (Covid-19) hit the world. This changes the definition of “normal” and affects almost every sector – both travel, education or health care.
This disease spreads throughout the world with alarming speed, and continues to mutate regularly to appear more dangerous and, in some cases, a vaccine resistance form.
The United States and Europe are one of the worst affected areas, where the new Omicron variant has brought havoc. More than 800,000 people have been killed in the US, and infection still soars.
But surprisingly, there are several countries that have succeeded in preventing the coronavirus pandemic from starting at the end of 2019, reporting zero cases, according to the World Health Organization.
Most of these countries and regions are islands in the Pacific and Atlantic Ocean, and will likely experience the benefits of just bordering the sea.
Some countries have also adopted strict travel policies, which help them succeed in maintaining infection. Two of them are run under the dictatorship, so getting accurate data is very difficult.
Although these countries have reported Zero Covid-19 cases, which do not rule out the fact that some cases may have flown under the radar.
Here are 10 countries that have not reported Covid-19 cases until now:
Tuvalu: This independent island in the South Pacific has stopped Coronavirus infection to reach its beaches. Although members of the Commonwealth, Tuvalu managed to close his border to travel, with quarantine mandatory in some cases. Three-island of reef islands and six atolls have a combined area of 25 square kilometers. According to whom, almost 50 people are fully vaccinated per 100 population.
Turkmenistan: This country has not recognized the case of Coronavirus, a holder who has made him the sadness of the international community. Asian countries are sharing borders with Uzbekistan and Afghanistan, and most are covered by desert karakum; From one side, it also touched the Kaspian sea. An official senior previously told the BBC that it was very unlikely that this virus was not circulating in Turkmenistan because the world had grappled with him for two years.
North Korea: Like Turkmenistan, the Hermit Kingdom also did not state the Covid-19 case. In fact, reports in the media section claim that the Kim Jong-UN regime eliminates cases of known diseases to maintain the free country virus.
Tokelau: Who registered a small group of atolls in the South Pacific free of Covid-19. Tokelau is a group if three atolls with a combined area of 10 square kilometers and a population of 1,500. Without airport, the island near New Zealand can be accessed mainly by ship.
Saint Helena: This is an English region abroad in the South Atlantic Ocean. Saint Helena is considered one of the most remote areas in the world. According to WHO, the total vaccine dose given per 100 population in Saint Helena is 138.
Pitcairn Islands: This is a group of four volcanic islands in the Pacific Ocean. According to the country’s profile on the CIA website, a full-time population at the age of 50 and most of them are near Adamstown Village.
Niue: The island nation is one of the largest coral islands in the world, which is located about 2,500 kilometers from New Zealand. Niue was supported by New Zealand in his fight against Covid-19.
Nauru: This is the third smallest country in the world based on size. Nauru is a neighboring country Kiribati. The reason why Covid-19 has not been reported in this country is a travel restriction imposed by local administration.
Kiribati: Located more than 3,200 kilometers southwest of Hawaii. The administration here imposes restrictions on trips early, and the arrival of a handful of flights makes the implementation of these norms easier, which stops the spread of Covid-19.
Micronesia: The Micronesia Federation consists of more than 600 islands. This country has received support from later who, as well as countries such as the United States, China and Japan in maintaining Covid-19 in Bay.