London Job Seeker Stood At Tube Station With Placard. Interview In 3 Hours And Then….

A 24-year-old man from London managed to find a job within a few days after establishing a pop-up standing at the train station. Haider Malik did not succeed in seeking work since the beginning of the pandemic, despite holding first-class degree in banking and finance from the University of Middlesex, reporting a mirror.
After being increasingly frustrated by an zoom interview that did not allow it to show off his personality correctly, Malik Malik headed to the busy financial district in Wharf Canary on the morning of November 2.

Malik said he was inspired by his father Mehmood Malik, a retired provision of taxis who migrated to England from Pakistan as a teenager. Work seekers take changes and buy boards from stationery stores, where it attaches the QR code so that people can easily access CV and LinkedIn profiles.

“The first five minutes or 10 minutes I felt nervous because I stood there empty-handed,” he told MyLondon.

“I have all my CVs in my bag. I stand there with empty hands trying to look at people and hope to meet people rather than being proactive and talking to them.”

Trying to be more proactive in his approach, Haider Malik began talking to people and immediately paying attention to changes when pedestrians began to get involved with him.

He said: “I held my CV in my hand and I just said good morning to people, just trying to involve people in a conversation.

“Many people gave me their cards, they gave me their telephone number, and began talking to me,” Malik said, but the breakthrough came when a man named Emmanuel posted his picture on LinkedIn, which soon became a viral.

Haider Malik has arrived at the station before 7 in the morning. At 9:30 a.m., he received a message asking him to come to an interview for the role of a treasury analyst at the Wharf Canary Group.

“I got a text message from the department director around 9:30 a.m. who said ‘came to an interview at 10:30 a.m.,” he said.

“I have a car in the parking lot so I took the board and took all my belongings. I’m like ‘Wow, this is crazy’.”

After the interview, the 24-year-old player returned to his car and realized that LinkedIn Post was blowing. “For the first three days my cellphone didn’t stop ringing, never stopped ringing and Linkedin was really busy,” he said.

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