Some Things to Know about CBD Cat Treats

Information is power! The more informed you are, the better your chances of making the right decisions. This is why even feline parents, owners, guardians, and lovers are supposed to go on fact-finding missions.

This will help them make the right decisions, especially as regards their beloved feline companions. Speaking of being informed as a feline owner, the impact of cannabidiol (or CBD for short) is something you should be well aware of.

The reason is that this therapeutic compound from the cannabis plant is capable of helping your cat in lots of ways. However, you need to be equipped with the right information to make the right judgment call when the need arises.

This is why we will discuss some things you ought to know about CBD Cat treats. In the best interest of your feline companion, you are advised to keep reading.

About Using CBD for Cats

There is the likelihood that the term cannabidiol or CBD is not new to you. You must have heard it used in a lot of discussions in the mainstream media and even around you.

Whether it is your first time hearing it or not, cannabidiol or CBD is simply a therapeutic naturally occurring compound that is obtained from the cannabis plant. The truth is that using the term cannabis plant raises a lot of eyebrows.

This is because of the notion that products from this plant trigger psychoactive behaviors. Well, you should know that this is not the case with CBD. It is one of the most therapeutic compounds from this plant but does not trigger psychoactive behaviors when used.

This is what makes it different from THC which is the major compound responsible for psychoactive behaviors in users. If you are interested in knowing more about the differences between CBD and THC, you can check here.

Well, you should know that cannabidiol can also be useful for pets as much as it can be for humans. Every mammal can even benefit from cannabidiol. The reason for this is because all mammals have something known as the endocannabinoid system.

Considering that your cat is a mammal, CBD can be administered and your feline companion can benefit from it. Now that you know that your feline companion can benefit from this cannabis-derived therapeutic compound, how about the ways CBD can be offered?

There are various ways CBD can be offered to your cat. The use of treats is one of the best ways as we will explore in this article. Other possible ways include oil, tincture, edibles, pills, and topical products. Cannabidiol can be offered to your cat using any of these ways.

Why Give CBD Treats to Your Cat?

If/when the need to administer CBD to your cat arises, some of the reasons you may want to consider CBD cat treats include the following:

Likely Cooperation from Your Cat

Administering regular medication to your feline companion can be a daunting task. This is especially if yours is outrightly opposed to the idea regardless of how necessary it is.

Well, there are ways people go about it. Some add the drugs to the cat’s food and several other ways. The truth is that this may not work. There are feline creatures that would lose interest in such meals.

As explained earlier, it can be a very difficult task. If you need help on how to give regular drugs to cats that are opposed to having them, you can visit:

Having established this, you should know offering drugs in the form of treats is a lot better for you and your feline companion. At least, you and your feline companion would likely see eye to eye on this one. More often than not, cats have no problem using CBD treats.

This is because it does not seem to them like a drug. It is just the regular tasty and delightful treat they cannot have enough of. So, save yourself the trouble of forcing your unwilling cat to use cannabidiol drugs by using this option.

Frankly, you cannot blame feline creatures that do not feel and act well towards using pills, oil, tincture, and other ingested forms other than treats. Many of these forms taste terrible or come with some slight complications.

For instance, passage through the throat can be a problem with pills, tablets, and capsules. Also, most oil and tincture do not have a pleasing taste regardless of the sweeteners used.

However, the case is a lot different and better with treats. It is just as tasty as their regular treats but medicinal. This is because of the addition of cannabidiol.


To be candid, treats do not come out on top in terms of easy dosing. However, it is also one of the best. We mean that you can easily keep track of the amount of cannabidiol that your cat has ingested when treats are used.

This is because every one of the treats contains a certain amount of cannabidiol. You only need to offer the needed amount of treats to your cat. Do not give your cat more than the required dose.

This reason is that some side effects can set in if this happens. Also, you are advised to start with small doses and work your way up to more doses until you see the desired changes.

This is unless otherwise instructed by a veterinarian as there can be situations when you need to start with large amounts. You can see holistapet for more on this subject.


There are some things cat parents should know about cannabidiol in the best interest of their cats. We have gone through a number of them here. For instance, you now know some of the advantages of offering CBD cat treats to your feline companion when the need to use cannabidiol arises. In light of this, we hope that you make the right decisions going forward.

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