The latest Singapore to doubt the efficacy of Sinovac China. This is why
Singapore only includes the Pfizer and Moderna vaccine in its national vaccination program but allows private health clinics to manage Sinovac.
Singapore’s top health officials are the latest to give doubts about the efficacy of the vaccine produced by the Chinese company Sinovac, even when the island cities began to provide shots on Friday, according to the New York Times. Citing Indonesian Cases, Kenneth Mak, Director of Medical Services Singapore, said that he was worried about reports of people who were vaccinated with Sinovac pain with Coronavirus (Covid-19), reported NYT.
“It really gives the impression that the efficacy of different vaccines will vary significantly,” said MAK by saying.
Last month, the World Health Organization (WHO) issued a temporary recommendation for the use of the Sinovac-Coronavac vaccine for inoculation against Coronavirus (Covid-19). Sinovac-Coronavac Phase 3 trials around the world have reported the effectiveness of vaccines between 50 and 84 percent.
However, Indonesian officials earlier this week revealed that more than 350 doctors and medical workers had been infected and dozens were hospitalized despite being vaccinated with Sinovac, raising concerns about vaccines against more contagious variants.
While most workers do not show symptoms, dozens are hospitalized with high fever and fallen oxygen saturation levels, according to senior health officials in Central Java. Indonesian health workers are the first to be accounted for viruses when vaccination begins in the country in January.
The Indonesian Medical Association (IDI) said that almost all received Covid vaccines developed by Sinovac. Kudus Regency in Central Java was struggling against the Covid outbreak which was believed to be driven by Delta variants who were more transmitting, first detected in India.
“Data shows that they have a Delta variant (in Kudus) so it is not surprising that breakthrough infections are higher than before, because, as we know, the majority of health workers in Indonesia get Sinovac, and we still do not know how effective in the real world against Delta variant, “said Dicky Budiman, an epidemiologist at the University of Griffith Australia.
Singapore has included a vaccine which is only produced by Pfizer-Biontech and Moderna in its national vaccination program but allows 24 private health clinics to manage Sinovac after authorization by WHO. Apart from the availability of Pfizer and Moderna vaccines, with the effectiveness of 90% in preventing infection, many in Singapore will choose to get Sinovac because they come from mainland China or plan to travel there, according to time.
Brazilian President Jair Bolsonaro initially crashed into “Origin” Sinovac-Coronavac and refused to buy it. While the doctor said residents had to get any shots, Brazil rejected Coronavac Sinovac, which they believed was believed to be below the standard, supporting pfizer shots that were difficult to find, reported Bloomberg.